Who’s Listening? Understanding ‘Us’ to know ‘Them’


Who’s Listening? is a question many minorities have asked themselves. The third and final edition of the Who’s Listening? series questions assumptions on who we see as ‘us’ and ‘them.’ Like the two previous editions, storytelling is central. This edition goes beyond borders by piecing together perceptions of minority communities in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand. Understanding ‘Us’ to know ‘Them’ is not only a framework to challenge identity and how you interact with “the Other,” but it is also a journey of self-discovery and connection.

Over several years, eight young people from ethnic minority groups and migrant communities in the Mekong region came together to explore life across borders and question how nationality often divides us. By conducting participatory action peace research in their communities, they gained a wealth of new knowledge on sense of place and identity.

Beyond just the research, they raised serious questions about belonging, borders, identity, and definitions of home. Connected through shared languages, stories, and being a minority within the boundaries of the place they call home, the group demonstrated that people can transcend borders and that nationality does not need to be the first marker of one’s identity. Instead, what binds people are shared experiences, love for their families and children, yearning for familiar food, and appreciation for their culture.
Download the book here.

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